Lipomatic is a high-tech liposuction device. The most important advantage of this device is that it does not damage the tissues and muscles due to the fact that it works with less force than conventional liposuction. The liposuction rods called the cannula are very thin. In Lipomatic, the tip of the cannula makes an average of 40,000 cycles per minute and is protected. And this is a feature that causes minimum damage and accelerates recovery time and that it is the safest device. Even in patients who are treated in 2 or more areas, the pain may be observed for 2 days, but these are pains that can be eliminated with painkillers. This is a state that is completely related to your threshold of pain.


Piezo nose rhinoplasty is called Italian nose rhinoplasty. The reason for this is that the origin of Piezo surgery comes from Italy. With this technology, the nasal bone can be filed with elegant touches and the desired shape can be given.

Since the cartilage or tissues are not damaged during the procedure, bruising and swelling can be seen very little, sometimes not at all. The recovery process is much more effective and faster than all other methods. 1 year after the procedure, you can have as much flexible and durable nose as your old nose.


Genetically, some people may have a smaller breast size compared to the average. Or it could be much bigger. Also, especially after birth, breast sagging or deformity may develop in women. In such cases, breast augmentation, lifting or reduction surgery is performed. By such operations, self-confidence and feeling better in social life is ensured.

Excessively large breasts can cause damage in terms of health, too. Neck and back pain can be experienced. The breasts with a drooping appearance may raise difficulties in using a bra. Small breasts, however, can affect the person psychologically.


Recently, we bring a different and comfortable perspective to plastic surgeries that are in high demand. In addition to classical methods, we try to get the best results in minimum time by keeping patient comfort and health in the foreground.

Plastic surgeries can be performed by all plastic surgeons. However, prices are determined according to the service provided and the popularity of the surgeon. Our goal is always to get happy results. We keep in touch with you and stay by your side before and after the operation at all stages and we offer you a quick solution. We are definitely against the concept of fast-food plastic surgery. For this reason, we aim to create a satisfied portfolio in the long term, not to save the day. We stake a claim on our work much more with the happiness of getting closer to our goal with each passing day.
“Aesthetics does not matter where there is no health.”